Ramilla’s First Day of School: A Choose your own Adventure Story

Description of Pedagogical Tool:
The pedagogical tool that we choose to do for our multiliteracy project is a writing lesson based on "Choose your own Adventure" story. The story is written in simple English so that the English Language Learners (ELLs) can understand and to demonstrate that writing a story does not have to involve complex language. In addition, the animations of the story are interactive, funny and represent diversity.
Pedagogical Tool:
Lesson Plan:
Praxis Paper:
Resources Used:
Cummins, J. & Early, M. (2015). Big ideas for expanding minds: Teaching English languagelearners across the curriculum. Don Mills, Ontario: Rubicon, Pearson Canada
Haynes, J. (2009). Bloom’s Taxonomy and English Language Learners. Everything ESL.net.
Retrieved from
New London Group (1996) A pedagogy of multiliteracies: designing social futures Harvard
Educational Review 66 pp. 60–92
Skowronski, M., Skowronski, M. and profile, V. (2019). Anchor Charts for Writing. [online]
Skowronskiclass.blogspot.com. Available at:
I.pinimg.com. (2019). [online] Available at: