Research Publications

Scholarly Articles by Research Team

(Please note that some journals are open access and allow immediate circulation of the published article. Other journals require paid access to the journal itself. When this is the case, we have provided here where possible pre-print versions of the articles in addition to the citation where the published journal article can be found.)

The asterisk (*) following the name of an author indicates the author is a graduate student.

Please feel free to contact us Dr. Susan M. Holloway: [email protected] and Dr. Patricia A. Gouthro: [email protected] if you have any questions or comments to share with us. Dr. Gouthro’s additional publications can be found at her website:

(Veuillez noter que certaines publications sont en accès libre et permettent une circulation immédiate de l’article publié. D’autres nécessitent un accès payant au journal lui-même. Lorsque tel est le cas, nous avons fourni, dans la mesure du possible, des versions préliminaires des articles, en plus de la citation indiquant où trouver l’article publié.) 

L’astérisque (*) qui suit le nom d’un auteur indique que l’auteur est un étudiant diplômé.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des questions ou des commentaires à nous partager, Dr. Susan M. Holloway [email protected] et Dr. Patricia A. Gouthro [email protected], Les publications supplémentaires du Dr. Gouthro peuvent être consultées sur son site web :

Peer-Reviewed Articles:

Gouthro, P. A. & Holloway, S. M. (2023). Critical social theory, inclusion, and a pedagogy of hope: Considering the future of adult education and lifelong learning. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA), 14(3), 325-341.

Holloway, S. M., Xu, S., Ma, S.* (2023). Chinese and Canadian preservice teachers in face-to-face dialogues: Situating teaching in cultural practices for West-East learning. Teaching and Teacher Education Journal, 122, 1-10.

Holloway, S. M. (2021). The multiliteracies project: Preservice and graduate students learning through design in diverse content areas. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 16(3), 307-325.

Holloway, S. M., & Gouthro, P. A. (2020). Using a multiliteracies approach to foster critical and creative pedagogies for adult learners. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 26(2), 203-220.

Holloway, S. M. (2020). The multiliteracies project: Preservice and inservice teachers learning by design in diverse content areas. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 1–19. 

Holloway, S. M., and Gouthro, P. A. (2020). Using a multiliteracies approach to foster critical and creative pedagogies for adult learners. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 1477971420913912.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2017). Learning to be critically reflective: Exploring fiction writing and adult learning. Studies in Continuing Education. p.p. 1-16. DOI: 10.1080/0158037X.2017.1415875

Greig, C., & Holloway, S. M. (2015). A Foucauldian analysis of literary text selection practices and educational policies in Ontario, Canada. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 37(3), 397-410.

Holloway, S. M., & Gouthro, P. A. (2014). A Foucauldian analysis: Adult education and publishing Canadian fiction in a globalized context. RELA: The European Journal for Research on the Education of Learning of Adults. 5(1), 81-96.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2013). Reclaiming the radical: Using fiction to explore adult learning connected to citizenship, Studies in the Education of Adults, 45(1), 41-56.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2013). Preparing teachers to become lifelong learners: Exploring the use of fiction to develop multiliteracies and critical thinking. Special Issue of Language and Literacy, 15(3), 50-68.

Holloway, S. M. (2012). Visual literacies and multiliteracies: An ecology arts-based pedagogical model. Language and Literacy, 14(3), 150-168.

Holloway, S. M. (2011). Literature circles: Encouraging critical literacy, dual language reading, and multi-modal approaches. Winnipeg, Manitoba: English Quarterly, 42(3-4), 21-35.

Holloway, S. M., & Greig, C. J. (2011). Literary text selections in secondary school classrooms: Exploring the Practices of English Teachers as Agents of Change, Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 20(2), 25-42.

Holloway, S. M., & Gouthro, P. A. (2011). Teaching resistant novice educators to be critically reflective. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 32(1), 29-41.

Holloway, S. M., & Salinitri, G. (2010). Investigating teacher candidates’ mentoring of students at risk of academic failure: A Canadian experiential field model. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 18(4), 383-403.

Holloway, S. M. (2009). Using literature in adult learning contexts to address contentious issues of race, culture, power, and privilege. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal. Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Vancouver, British Columbia. 2(3), 1-24. Retrieved from Http://

Refereed Book Chapters:

Holloway, S. M., & Williams, J. (2017). Introducing literary theory to students using a multiliteracies theoretical framework: An example of theory to practice. In K. Magro & J. Jones (Eds.), New Voice and Vision in Literacy Learning: Encouraging Transformative Learning. Descartes University, Paris and The University of Ulm, Germany: International Centre for Innovation in Education.       

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2015). Feminism and femininities: Learning gender through fiction. Clover, D.E., Butterwick, S. Chovanec, D. & Collins, L. Women, adult education and leadership in Canada. (p.p. 245-255). Toronto: Canadian Women’s Scholars Press.

Greig, C. J., & Holloway, S. M. (2012). Canadian manhood in ‘crisis’?: Gender, justice and the politics of masculinities. In C. Greig & W. Martino (Eds.), Canadian men and masculinities: Historical and contemporary perspectives. (p.p. 119-138). Toronto: Canadian Scholar Press.

Book Reviews:

Holloway, S. M. (2013). Book Review: Feminist History in Canada [Review of the book Feminist History in Canada: New Essays on Women, Gender, Work, and Nation, edited by Carstairs, C. & Janovicek, N.]. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press. The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 27(2), p. 123-125.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings:

Holloway, S. M. & Gouthro, P. A. (2023). Creative curriculum for adult learning community through multiliteracies. CASAE: Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference. Ontario Institute for Studies in (OISE), University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. pp. 131-136.

Holloway, S. M., & Gouthro, P.A. (2022). Using a multiliteracies framework to explore adult literacy practices through arts-based learning organizations. ESREA: European Society for Research on the Education of Adults Tri-Annual Conference, University of Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy. Ledizioni Press. p.p. 213-218.

Gouthro, P. A, & Holloway, S. M. (2022). Critical social theory and the ontology of hope: Implications for the future of adult education. ESREA: European Society for Research on the Education of Adults Tri-Annual Conference, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy.  Ledizioni Press. p.p. 207-212.

Gouthro, P. A., and Holloway, S. M. (2019). Using a multiliteracies approach in adult education to foster inclusive lifelong learning. CASAE: Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education East Regional Conference, 38, 143–148.

Holloway, S. M., & Gouthro. P. A. (2019). Mapping a multiliteracies pedagogical approach in adult education and higher education. CASAE: Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. University of British Columbia, British Columbia. p.p. 143-148.

Gouthro, P. A., Holloway, S. M., Jarvis, C. (2018). Triggering transformative learning: Using fiction and the narrative arts to creatively explore critical social issues in adult learning. SCUTREA: Standing Conference of University Teachers & Educators of Adults. University of Sheffield. p.p. 189-196.

Gouthro, P. A. & Holloway, S. M. (2017). Troubling perspectives: Learning about insider/outsider viewpoints from fiction. SCUTREA: Standing Conference on University Teaching and the Research in the Education of Adults. Adult Education for Inclusion and Diversity. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. p.p. 150-156.

Gouthro, P. A., Holloway, S. M., & Guy, J.* (2017). Reading the world: Dialogical learning and conversations with fiction. CASAE: Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario. p.p. 145-150.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2016). The cost of creativity: Adult learning in austere times. SCUTREA: Standing Conference on University Teaching and the Research in the Education of Adults. University of Leicester, Leicester, UK. p.p. 102-108.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2016). Fictional spaces, learning places: Exploring creative learning sites connected to fiction. CASAE: Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. p.p. 100-106.

Gouthro, P. A., &  Holloway, S. M. (2015). Fiction and reflective learning. Standing Conference on University Teaching and the Research in the Education of Adults. (SCUTREA). Conference Proceedings submitted. University of Leeds, Leeds, England, UK.

Holloway, S. M., Gouthro, P. A., & Careless, E. J.* (2014). Women’s experiences in learning to write fiction: Exploring gendered engagement in communities of practice. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE), Congress, St. Catharine’s, Ontario, p.p. 133-136.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2014). Conferences as lifelong learning sites: Engaging with different communities of practice. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE), Congress, St. Catharine’s, Ontario, p.p. 107-110.

Gouthro, P. A., Holloway, S. M., & Careless, E. J.* (2013). Lifelong learning and Canadian writers: Fiction writing, citizenship, and learning around identity issues. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE), Congress, Victoria, British Columbia, p.p. 177-184.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2012). Disciplinary Boundaries and Creative Pedagogical Practices. Society for Research into Higher Education. Newport, Wales, UK.

Gouthro, P. A., Holloway, S. M., & Careless, E.* (2012). Fiction writing and lifelong learning: Reflecting on the role of educators in fostering well-being and happiness. Standing Conference on University Teaching and the Research in the Education of Adults. (SCUTREA). England.

Gouthro, P. A., Holloway, S. M., & Careless, E. J.* (2012) Critical Literacies and Democratic Learning: Using Fiction Reading and Writing to Engage in Lifelong Learning Connected to Citizenship. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, pp. 138-144.

Gouthro, P. A., Holloway, S. M., & Careless, E. J.* (2011) Creative pedagogical approaches using fiction to prepare educators for working in international and intercultural contexts. Standing Conference on University Teaching and the Research in the Education of Adults. (SCUTREA). University of Lancaster, Lancaster, England, UK. p.p. 58-65.

Gouthro, P. A., Holloway, S. M., & Careless, E. J.* (2011). Fiction writing and learning for critical citizenship: Exploring the potential of reading and writing fiction to foster democratic learning opportunities. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE), Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario. p.p. 247-253.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2010). Cultivating wisdom: Fostering critically reflective learning through an interdisciplinary approach to university teaching that draws upon fiction writing and reading. Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE), Newport, Wales, UK. 3 pages.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2010). Reclaiming the radical: Using fiction to challenge the ‘facts’ of a neoliberal discourse in lifelong learning. Standing Conference on University Teaching and the Research in the Education of Adults. (SCUTREA), University of Warwick, Warwick, UK. Retrieved from Http:// 7 pages.

Holloway, S. M., & Gouthro, P. A. (2010). Lifelong learning (and unlearning) about identity and citizenship through creative writing and Canadian fiction. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE). 79th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Concordia University. Montreal, Quebec. p. 161-165.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2009). Fact or fiction? A critical assessment of an alternative framework for knowledge construction using fiction to explore issues around identity and citizenship for Education students in Canadian universities. Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE) Newport, Wales, UK. p. 1-3.

Refereed Abstracts

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2010). Connecting theory and practice to foster the development of critical literacies. Association of Atlantic Universities Teaching Showcase. University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PEI.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2010). Creative connections within liberal arts and lifelong learning: Exploring linkages between lifelong learning, citizenship, and fiction writing in a Canadian Context. International Conference on the Liberal Arts: Looking Back and Moving Forward. St. Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Invited Articles for Professional Journals:

Holloway, S. M. (2014). Visual literacies and multiliteracies: An ecology arts-based pedagogical model. Fine Print: A Journal of Adult English Language and Literacy Education, 37(2), 13–16.

Holloway, S. M. & Greig, C. J. (2011). (Invited publication; revised version of earlier peer-reviewed publication).  Literary text selections in secondary school classrooms: Exploring the practices of English teachers as agents of change, Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 20(2), 25-42. Summary published with Ontario Education Research Exchange (OERE) and Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research (KNAER).

Professional Publications:

Holloway, S. M. (Invited. 2023, March 17). Canadian educators using multiliteracies pedagogies to teach L2 adult learner immigrants. International Associate of Teachers as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) ESOL Matters Newsletter. 4-8.

Holloway, S. M., & Stagg Peterson, S. (2022, May 31). Why Ontario’s ‘Right to Read Inquiry’ needs to broaden its inquiry. The Conversation.

Holloway, S. M., & Gouthro, P. A. (Invited, 2022). A multiliteracies approach to teach adult second language learners in   the community. UNBOUND. Rutgers University.

Holloway, S. M., & Pizzuto, G.* (2021). Multiliteracies in a biology classroom. Canadian Teacher Magazine, 10-11. issue/

Holloway, S. M., & Qaisi, R.* (2021). Inclusive education supported through multiliteracies pedagogy. Promising Practices, Research, Teaching: Education Canada magazine. EdCan Network.

Johnson, K.  (2023, May 18). Colloquium explores teaching strategies. Daily News, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario.

Johnson, K. (2023, February 16). Workshop to explore local history of Underground Railroad. Daily News, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario.

Johnson, K. (2020, August 12). Profile on Susan M. Holloway. Education professor launches web platform on 21st century literacy.

Response to the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read Inquiry:

Stagg Peterson, S., Collier, D. R., Murphy, S., Heydon, R., Lotherington, H., Wood, J., Ferguson,    K.,Scheffel, T. L., Brownell, C., Campbell, T., Elliott-Johns, S. E., Stein-Dzaldov, B., Swartz, L., Thumlert, K., Gallagher, T. L., Lovell-Johnston, M., Holloway, S. M., Iannacci, L. (June 30, 2020). Response to the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Right to Read Inquiry. Submitted in response to Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Terms of Reference and Information-Gathering procedures of the Right to Read Inquiry.

Web Platform Publications:

Wood, J., Heydon, R., Scheffel, T. L., Coombs, M. E. (Padlet Creators, 2020). Stagg-Peterson, S., Collier, D. R., Holloway, S. M., Murphy, S., Lotherington, H., Ferguson, K., Brownell, C. (Padlet Contributors). Literacies.

Web Platform Publications:

Holloway, S. M. & Gouthro, P. A. (2023). The role of cultural and linguistic diversity in designing new futures. Joint Universities Association for Lifelong Learning and Standing Conference for University Teachers and Educators of  Adults (UALL/SCUTREA) Conference. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England.

Holloway, S. M. & Gouthro, P. A. (2023). Creative curriculum for adult learning in community through multiliteracies. CASAE: Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Conference. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.

Holloway, S. M., Gouthro, P. A., & Qaisi, R.* (2023). An exploration of multiliteracies in secondary schools and adult education. The Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Conference, Congress. York University, Toronto, Ontario.

Holloway, S. M. & Gouthro, P. A. (2023). The role of cultural and linguistic diversity in designing new futures. Joint Universities Association for Lifelong Learning and Standing Conference for University Teachers and Educators of Adults (UALL/SCUTREA) Conference. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Holloway, S. M., & Gouthro, P. A. (2022). Using a multiliteracies framework to explore adult literacy practices through arts-based learning organizations. European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA). 10th ESREA Triennial Conference. University of Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy.

Gouthro, P. A., & Holloway, S. M. (2022). Critical social theory and the ontology of hope: Implications for the future of adult education. European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA). 10th ESREA Triennial Conference. University of Milano, Bicocca, Milan, Italy.

Holloway, S. M., & Gouthro, P. A. (April 5-8, 2020, Online). Changing literacies/changing learning: Using a multiliteracies approach to enhance learning opportunities for adults. World Literacy Summit. Oxford University, Oxford, England.

Scholarly Workshop Presentations:

Gouthro, P. A. & Holloway, S. M.  (2023). Imagining new designs for democratic learning opportunities: Creating new pedagogies and connecting adult learning online and face-to-face. Joint Universities Association for Lifelong Learning and Standing Conference for University Teachers and Educators of Adults (UALL/SCUTREA) Conference. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Holloway, S. M. & Jacobs, H. (April 24, 2019). (Invited). Strategies for sustaining your writing practice workshop. Office of Research & Innovation Services. Willistead Manor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Holloway, S. M. & Qaisi, R.* (March 21, 2019). Multiliteracies as a model of innovative teaching and learning practices. Sharing Ideas Colloquium. Faculty of Education. University of Windsor. Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Scholarly Workshop Presentations:

Holloway, S. M., Qaisi, R.*, Pizzuto, G.* (October 7, 2021). Open Streets Windsor Festival. Streetside Booth to promote and educate about The Multiliteracies Project to general public. Windsor, Ontario. Sponsored by the Office of the President. University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario.

Holloway, S. M. & Pizzuto, G.* (December 6, 2019). (Invited). Immersing teachers in a multiliteracies pedagogy. Reciprocal Learning Program Professional Workshop. Faculty of Education. University of Windsor. Windsor, Ontario, Canada.