Novel Study Review – Great Gatsby

Michael Hugall

Jeff Frenette

Brandon Macrae

Mackenzie Whittle

Description of Pedagogical Tool:

The pedagogical tool is a game of Jeopardy that was created to be a culminating activity for a novel study on The Great Gatsby. The pedagogical tool engages students in the competition and goes beyond basic trivia about the novel. With the game of Jeopardy, educators can assess studentsโ€™ knowledge and understanding of the novel, application of course concepts and critical thinking skills.

Pedagogical Tool:
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Lesson Plan:
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Praxis Paper:
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Resources Used:
Michalovich, A. (2021). โ€œYouโ€™re the boss, yo!โ€: Role-Play in Digital Multimodal Composition of Newcomer Youth. Language and Literacy, Volume 23 (Issue 1), 2021, 25-48