Making Healthy Choices

Healthy Choices
Thomas Flamminio

Christina Barile

Laura Lecce

Kayla Raniwski

Description of Pedagogical Tool:

This pedagological tool brings technology into the classroom in the format of a classic game show. With the combination of technology and competition students will be engaged with the material, while having fun at the same time. This review game will allow students to test themselves and let them see what they know and what material they may need to pay more attention too. It connects information from both the social sciences and physical education. Since multiliteracies can be used in more than one subject this tool can also be used in a biology or fitness class.
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Pedagogical Tool:

Lesson Plan:
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Praxis Paper:
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Resources Used:
Ministry of Health. (2015, November 20). Health Canada | Santรฉ Canada. Retrieved from

Ontario Health and Physical Education Curriculum, Grade 10