1938 Chatham Coloured All-Stars
"Tilbury took the first of the three game series at home yesterday but the Stars are confident of squaring things tomorrow and forcing a third contest which would be played at Tilbury on Labor Day." (Chatham Daily News, September 2nd, 1938)
"For these three important contetnts the Stars will need to be close to top form. They showed yesterday that they were when after losing a morning engagement they evened up an Emancipation Day doubleheader with Taylor's Colored All-Stars of Detroit with a 9 to 6 victory...The win achieved largely on the work of Willie Shagonosh, ace pitcher, and Flat Chase, slugger extraordinary, and the drive given the team by Captain Don Washington." (Chatham Daily News, July 29, 1938)
"The game was crammed with tense moments, one of the highlights coming the Tilbury half of the ninth. Parent opened with a single to centre field. Chase threw to first base six times attempting to nip Parent off the bag. The Tilbury player finally stole second." (Chatham Daily News,September 14th, 1938)