They’re Functions! Multimodality Review of Functions

Description of Pedagogical Tool:
This is a pedagogical tool that can be used in a Grade 11 University functions class to review the basic characteristics of major parent functions and to introduce the concept of domain and range. This video is meant to be used in conjunction with the lyrics and interactive worksheet. Pauses are noted in both the video and on the lyrics sheet.
Pedagogical Tool:
Lesson Plan:
Praxis Paper:
Resources Used:
Brown, Ian., Cooper, Natalie., Lockyer, Lori. (2013). Developing Multiliteracies in aTechnology-Mediated Environment. Educational Media International, 50(2). P.93-107.
Cazden, Courtney., Cope, Bill., Fairclough, Norman., Gee, Jim., et al. (1996). A Pedagogy of
Multiliteracies: Designing Social Futures. Harvard Educational Review 66(1), p. 60-92.
Fisher, Douglas., Frey, Nancy. (2016). Designing Quality Content Area Instruction. The Reading
Teacher 69(5), p.525-529.
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2005). Many Roots, Many Voices. Toronto: Queenโs Printer for