The Element Clap Game

Description of Pedagogical Tool:
This pedagogical tool is an interactive dance/clap game in which students get into pairs and clap the value of the atomic number for each element on the periodic table of elements to the beat of a song. It is designed to help students better memorize the placement of the elements on the table while incorporating multimodal elements.
Pedagogical Tool:
Lesson Plan:
Praxis Paper:
Resources Used:
Lean On (Instrumental) – Major Lazor & DJ Snake
Periodic Table of Elements
Nelson – Science Perspective 9, p. 206-209, 211-213
Heritage deadline could mean lights out for many of Canada’s lighthouses MacDonald M. (2015),“Heritage deadline could mean lights out for many of Canada’s lighthouses”, HALIFAX — The Canadian Press, Published Thursday, May 28, 2015 6:50PM
The Ontario Curriculum Grade 9 and 10 - Science “The Ontario Curriculum Grade 9 and 10 - Science”, (2008), Ministry of Education’s website
Flashcards – Quizlet