Right Angle Triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem

Chantel Chacon

Shannon Dufault

Jasmyne Jagpal

Description of Pedagogical Tool:

Grade 9 geometry lesson on right angle triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem. The video shows real life visuals of how these topics come into our every day lives, it guides the teacher and students through an activity and also explains these topics in depth.

Pedagogical Tool:

Lesson Plan:
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Resources Used:
Vacca, R. T., Vacca, J., L., Mraz, M. (2014). Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum. Pearson Education Inc.

Triangles. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2015, from http://mathsrevision6.weebly.com/uploads/1/5/5/3/15534030/3140893_orig.jpg