Elizabeth Bartus

Brittney Wall

Logan Topping

Lauren Nicholson

Tomikah Morrell

Description of Pedagogical Tool:

The pedagogical tool we have created for this assignment is a video example of one of the scenes from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, acted out with sock puppets.

Pedagogical Tool:

Lesson Plan:
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Praxis Paper:
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Resources Used:
Cazden, Courtney; Cope, Bill; Fairclough, Norman; Gee, Jim; et al. ‘Harvard Educational Review’; Spring 1996; 66, 1; Research Library pg. 80-86. A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures.

Dr. Holloway, Susan. ‘Introduction to Multiliteracies, Powerpoint’ Lecture 2, Sept.14, 2023. Slide 4.