Les Faux Amis

Ryle Laporte

Jessica Brown

Sara Houssami

Aline Nguyen

Description of Pedagogical Tool:

"Les Faux Amis" is a term used to describe a French word that is pronounced or spelled similarly to an English word, but has a different meaning. Our video explains "Les Faux Amis" in more detail and gives key examples that help clarify the term. The video also explains why learning about "Les Faux Amis" is so important for students who are learning French as a second language.

Pedagogical Tool:

Lesson Plan:
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Praxis Paper:
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Resources Used:

Camus, L. (n.d.). Faux amis - cours. Retrieved November 15, 2016, from http://www.anglaisfacile.com/cgi2/myexam/voir2.php?id=57289

Ministry of Education. (2004). Subject-Specific Examples French as a Second Language, Intermediate Core. Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7-12. Retrieved from http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/studentsuccess/thinkliteracy/files/ThinkLitFrench.pdf

Ministry of Education. (2016). Oral Communication. Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7-12. Retrieved from http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/studentsuccess/thinkliteracy/files/Oral.pdf

Song Used:
Led Zeppelin. (1975). Bron-Yr-Aur [Recorded and performed by Led Zeppelin]. On Physical Graffiti. England, UK: Swan Song Records.