Envelope Accompanying Gift of 'A Double Page Spread with Real Finger' and Note from IAIN BAXTER& to Barry Simpson

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  • Envelope Accompanying Gift of 'A Double Page Spread with Real Finger' and Note from IAIN BAXTER& to Barry Simpson

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Envelope Accompanying Gift of 'A Double Page Spread with Real Finger' and Note from IAIN BAXTER& to Barry Simpson


"The circumstances of my coming into possession of this work are as follows. I was Manager of Exhibitions at the Art Gallery of Ontario at the time of the Baxter [squared] exhibition and worked with Iain on the installation of the show along with Marie Fleming, the show's curator and Ches Taylor, Manager of the Preparation Department. Once a week during the course of the exhibition at around 2:00 pm I would wait in the exhibition gallery for a phone call from Iain who was in Calgary at the time. We would generally chat for a few minutes and then he would send his transmission. I would then take the transmission and post it on a bulletin board that had a hinged plexiglass cover. The xerox original used for transmission purposes would be received later via mail from Iain. I would then post the xerox with the transmission.

When the show was over Iain said he wanted to give me something as a token of thanks. I said I really liked working on the transmission project so he gave me one of the transmissions. I declared the gift to the AGO and was told it was OK to keep it for myself. Might have had something to do with the imagery." --Barry Simpson






Envelope, 22.9 x 30.5 cm


Barry Simpson

Rights Holder





IAIN BAXTER&, "Envelope Accompanying Gift of 'A Double Page Spread with Real Finger' and Note from IAIN BAXTER& to Barry Simpson," in IAINBAXTER&raisonnE, Item #407, https://collections.uwindsor.ca/iain-baxterand_raisonne/items/show/407 (accessed January 8, 2025).