IAIN BAXTER&: An Assemblage (Assembled)

IAIN BAXTER&: An Assemblage (Assembled)

David Bellman
Research Curator



“The future is &.”


[Communication to CAUSA / Collective for Advanced and Unified Studies in the Visual Arts, 24 February 2013.]



IAIN BAXTER& exhibition
(intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA.

[Prior to its planned expansion/change of location, this museum of social history discontinued its programme of exhibitions on 30 December 2012.]



IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]


“Only art is capable of dismantling the repressive effects of a social system that continues to totter along the deathline: to dismantle in order to build A SOCIAL ORGANISM AS A WORK OF ART.”

– Joseph Beuys (1973)

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]


“We must develop a methodical intervention based on the complex factors of two components in perpetual interaction: the material environment of life and the comportments which it gives rise to and which radically transform it.”

– Guy Debord (1957)

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]


“I was looking at a plant with a spread of leaves; and it seemed suddenly plain that the flower itself was a part of the earth; that a ring enclosed what was the flower; and that was the real flower; part earth; part flower.”

– Virginia Woolf (1938)

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]


“Regarding the broadened concept of art, I’m searching for the dumbest person. And when I’ve found the dumbest person on the lowest possible level, then I’ve surely found the most intelligent one, the one potentially most endowed. And that person is the bearer of creativity.”

– Joseph Beuys (1986)

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

IAIN BAXTER& exhibition (intervention) – North Vancouver Museum, Presentation House, June-December 2012. Guest Curators: CAUSA. Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]

Photographs by M. Cynog Evans [CAUSA Archives, 2012.]




  1. Juan Cruz

    Hello David and Meyrion.
    Are you receiving?

  2. “THIS” assemblage (the WORD) which we are all part of is in a constant state of growth and
    dismantling ——– call it art and as you have shown it can clearly be called that but it is far beyond reigning in. I am , the leaf is , your beautiful assemblage is the constant work of some
    force beyond comprehension and , yes, that dumbest person is likely to experience it more
    fully than I because he has no need to understand it.
    Thanks again for the prodding .