MARSHALL McLUHAN/HARLEY PARKER + IAIN BAXTER/BAXTER&: Diction, Contradiction, and Agreement





Contradiction, and Agreement

(Part 2)

David Bellman





“The artist provides us with environments that enable us to

see the environment. Such anti-environmental means of

perception must constantly be renewed in order to be


– Marshall McLuhan and Harley Parker (1969)



Iain Baxter/N.E. Thing Co., ACT [Aesthetically Claimed Thing] certificate, 1968.

Iain Baxter/N.E. Thing Co., ACT [Aesthetically Claimed Thing]

certificate, 1968.


Iain Baxter/N.E. Thing Co., ART [Aesthetically Rejected Thing], certificate, 1968.

Iain Baxter/N.E. Thing Co., ART [Aesthetically Rejected Thing],

certificate, 1968.


“I used the corporation [N.E. Thing Company Ltd.] as a form.

I recognized that our lives were increasingly controlled by

these entities, so I wanted to use one to see what I could do

with it in the context of art.”

– IAIN BAXTER& (2011)



Iain Baxter/N.E. Thing Co. Ltd., ACT No. 19: Marcel Duchamp’s Total Art Production Except his Total Ready-Made Production (1968) / ART No. 19: Marcel Duchamp’s Total Ready-Made Production Except his Total Art Production (1968), 1969. Collection: National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa.



“Environment used as probe or art object is satirical because

it draws attention to itself.”

– Marshall McLuhan and Harley Parker (1968)



Iain Baxter, 12' x 12' Green Sculpture, 1968. (Exhibited: Inflatable Wearables  Collection -- Burnaby Art Gallery, British Columbia, 1968.)

Iain Baxter, 12' x 12' Green Sculpture, 1968. (Exhibited: Inflatable Wearables  Collection -- Burnaby Art Gallery, British Columbia, 1968.)

Iain Baxter, 12’ x 12’ Green Sculpture, 1968. (Exhibited: “Inflatable Wearables

Collection” – Burnaby Art Gallery, British Columbia, 1968.)



“All things are there in order that they may, in some sense, become pictures for us.”

– Rainer Maria Rilke (1899)



Iain Baxter, 16' Triangular Orange, 1968. (Exhibited: Inflatable Wearables Collection -- Burnaby Art Gallery, British Columbia, 1968.)

Iain Baxter, 16’ Triangular Orange, 1968. (Exhibited: “Inflatable Wearables Collection – Burnaby Art Gallery, British Columbia, 1968.)



“As to my own actualization these days, it is truly creative and

destructive. I play about with miraculous transformations,

entering all circumstances, and whatever I am, I have nothing

further to seek.”

– Zen master Rinzai (d. 866 CE)



Iain Baxter/N.E. Thing Co. Ltd., Information: Yves Klein, Leap Into The Void, 1962 [sic.]. [Project: 1976 exhibition, Celebration Of The Body, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, Ontario.]

Iain Baxter/N.E. Thing Co. Ltd., Information: Yves Klein, Leap Into The Void, 1962 [sic.]. [Project: 1976 exhibition, Celebration Of The Body, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, Ontario.]



“Vacuum is all potent because all containing. In vacuum

alone motion becomes possible.”

– Okakura-Kakuzō (1906)



Yamada Gallery Announcement for Iain Baxter's first solo exhibition, Kyoto, Japan, 1961.

Yamada Gallery Announcement for Iain Baxter’s first solo exhibition, Kyoto, Japan, 1961.

“Almost every work of art is an analogy.”

– Gerhard Richter (1970)



IAIN BAXTER&, Rocky Mountain Landscape, 60 television [with snow/electronic noise] and acrylic paint, 2012.

IAIN BAXTER&, Rocky Mountain Landscape, 60” television [with “snow/electronic noise”] and acrylic paint, 2012.



“Today the environment itself becomes the artefact. The consequences

for learning are quite extraordinary. The prepared environment separates

the old curriculum.”

– Marshall McLuhan (1964)

