IAIN BAXTER&: Momentary-Immarginate Matters-Of-Fact


Frameworks for an Intervention






David Bellman

Research Curator




“In a certain sense, everything is everywhere at all times. For every location involves an aspect of itself in every other location. Thus every spatio-temporal standpoint mirrors the world.”

– Alfred North Whitehead (1925)



IAIN BAXTER&, Fourteen Mirrors -- Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).

IAIN BAXTER&, Fourteen Mirrors -- Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).

IAIN BAXTER&, “Fourteen Mirrors – Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver” (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).



“It is vain to want to restore universal values from the debris of globalization. … Once the mirror of universality is broken (which is like the mirror stage of modernity), only fragments remain, scattered fragments. Globalization automatically entails, in the same movement, fragmentation and deepening discrimination – and our fate is for a universe that no longer has anything universal about it – fragmentary and fractal – but that no doubt leaves the field free for all singularities: the worst and the best, the most violent and the most poetic.”

– Jean Baudrillard (2005)



IAIN BAXTER&, Fourteen Mirrors -- Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).

IAIN BAXTER&, “Fourteen Mirrors – Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver” (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).



“I like to challenge the preconceived ways that society does things. … I tend to make art that will lead people to look at life in a different way, to lead their lives in a different way.”

– IAIN BAXTER& (2011)



IAIN BAXTER&, Fourteen Mirrors -- Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).

IAIN BAXTER&, Fourteen Mirrors -- Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).

IAIN BAXTER&, “Fourteen Mirrors – Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver” (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).



“Vivisective inspection of all modes of our own inner-outer and individual-social lives makes us acutely sensitive to all inter-cultural and inter-media experience.”

– Marshall McLuhan (1969)



IAIN BAXTER&, Fourteen Mirrors -- Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).

IAIN BAXTER&, Fourteen Mirrors -- Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).

IAIN BAXTER&, “Fourteen Mirrors – Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver” (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).



“Photography yields the analogy between light and thought.”

– Roger Shattuck (1968)


IAIN BAXTER&, Overpass, Fraser Valley, British Columbia, 1968.

IAIN BAXTER&, “Overpass, Fraser Valley, British Columbia,” 1968.


IAIN BAXTER&, Passing Through, Trans-Canada Highway, 1968.

IAIN BAXTER&, “Passing Through, Trans-Canada highway,” 1968.



“The present contains nothing more than the past, and what is found in the effect is already in the cause.”

– Henri Bergson (1907)



IAIN BAXTER&, Fourteen Mirrors -- Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).

IAIN BAXTER&, Fourteen Mirrors -- Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).

IAIN BAXTER&, “Fourteen Mirrors – Loutet Park Urban Farm, North Vancouver” (detail), 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans (CAUSA Archives).



“Nearly all our originality comes from the stamp that time impresses upon our sensibility.”

– Charles Baudelaire (1869)



IAIN BAXTER&, Pipes, North Vancouver, British Columbia, 1968.

IAIN BAXTER&, “Pipes, North Vancouver, British Columbia,” 1968.

IAIN BAXTER&, Fruit Crates, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, 1965.

IAIN BAXTER&, “Fruit Crates, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia,” 1965.





1 Comment on “IAIN BAXTER&: Momentary-Immarginate Matters-Of-Fact”

  1. Juan Cruz

    Hello David and Meyrion

    Don’t know if you read these replies. I’m writing from Liverpool where I now run the school of art and design. I wanted to tell you about our exhibition research centre http://www.erc-ljmu.org

    Yves Gevaert came to the opening and we talked of you fondly.
