Grade 11: Origins and Citizenship: The History of a Canadian Ethnic Group
Dublin Core
Grade 11: Origins and Citizenship: The History of a Canadian Ethnic Group
Lesson Plan Item Type Metadata
D2.2 analyse challenges that institutionalized racism and prejudice in Canada have presented to some ethnic groups, with a particular focus, where applicable, on the selected ethnic group (e.g., with reference to segregation, discrimination in jobs and/or housing, antisemitism, assimilation, stereotypes, streaming students, racial profiling, internment)
D3.1 describe the contributions from various ethnic groups, including the specific ethnic group under study, to their own communities and to the development of culture and identity in Canada (e.g., with reference to literature, art, film, television, politics, the media, education, science and technology, sports, business)
D3.1 describe the contributions from various ethnic groups, including the specific ethnic group under study, to their own communities and to the development of culture and identity in Canada (e.g., with reference to literature, art, film, television, politics, the media, education, science and technology, sports, business)
1-2 75 minute classes
Shantelle Browning-Morgan
June, 2017
University of Windsor
These materials are available under a Creative Commons Non-Commerical Share-Alike 4.0 license.
“Grade 11: Origins and Citizenship: The History of a Canadian Ethnic Group,” Breaking the Colour Barrier, accessed March 13, 2025,
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