Grade 6: The Chatham Coloured All-Stars and Their Contributions to Canadian Identity
Dublin Core
Grade 6: The Chatham Coloured All-Stars and Their Contributions to Canadian Identity
Lesson Plan Item Type Metadata
□ use a few reading comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading to understand texts
□ demonstrate an understanding of the article(s)
□ analyse primary and secondary sources
□ complete vocabulary enrichment activities
□ locate information in a text
□ gather and organize information about the achievements of the Chatham Coloured All-Stars
□ edit peer’s work
□ use feedback to improve their letter
□ write a persuasive letter with complete sentences and appropriate punctuation, grammar, and spelling
□ include all required elements in their letter
□ use vocabulary and terminology related to the unit of study
□ communicate their ideas and information in a clear, coherent, and respectful manner
□ use persuasive language in their writing
□ demonstrate an understanding of the article(s)
□ analyse primary and secondary sources
□ complete vocabulary enrichment activities
□ locate information in a text
□ gather and organize information about the achievements of the Chatham Coloured All-Stars
□ edit peer’s work
□ use feedback to improve their letter
□ write a persuasive letter with complete sentences and appropriate punctuation, grammar, and spelling
□ include all required elements in their letter
□ use vocabulary and terminology related to the unit of study
□ communicate their ideas and information in a clear, coherent, and respectful manner
□ use persuasive language in their writing
□ articles and photos
□ activities (including baseball glove, stamp, and plaque templates)
□ dictionaries
□ computers (for research and typing)
□ activities (including baseball glove, stamp, and plaque templates)
□ dictionaries
□ computers (for research and typing)
5 – 7 x 35 minute periods
Shantelle Browning-Morgan
June, 2017
University of Windsor
These materials are available under a Creative Commons Non-Commerical Share-Alike 4.0 license.
“Grade 6: The Chatham Coloured All-Stars and Their Contributions to Canadian Identity,” Breaking the Colour Barrier, accessed March 12, 2025,
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