
The Spanish Republic of Letters project is a nascent catalog of the correspondence and private library collections of 16th century Spanish humanists. The project is managed by researchers at the University of Windsor, Canada: Dr. Guy Lazure, Department of History; Cal Murgu, Department of History; and Dave Johnston, The Leddy Library Centre for Digital Scholarship. Please contact glazure@uwindsor.ca with any questions, concerns, or contributions.

Copyright and Scholarly Responsibility

SRL is provided free of charge for individual, research, and non-commercial use only. Users are expected to respect the copyright of the holders of the original images and the creators of the transcriptions and translations (where these are provided).

Where copyright exists (e.g. for images, transcriptions/translations, database rights, and calendars of correspondence), copyright remains with the respective individuals and projects responsible for generating them.

It is not permissible to scrape or download bulk data from SRL or to use it in third-party tools without explicit permission. Please get in contact with us if you are interested in the entire data set.

Any and all future visualizations that will utilize open source software will strictly abide by the developer's copyright guidelines.

SRL is a project built on cooperation and aims to provide a forum for scholarly communication and facilitate research. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Write to Us
If you would like to get in touch, please write to us at:

401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4
Chrysler Hall North 2176
519-253-3000 ext. 2325

Or email the Project Director, Guy Lazure, at:
