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Doug Scurr
Colored All Stars to change name to Taylor A.C.s, Taylor organization including other sports such as boxing, wrestling and tennis.
Morley Reekie
Boomer Harding and Taylor A.C. team start their season with an opening game against Dresden
Taylor AC team with the win over the Wallaceburg All-Stars 4-0, with Boomer Harding adding two runs
Taylor A.C.s, the "fast moving colored club" defeated the Chatham Jumbos 3-2, with Boomer adding a double to assist in the win. This win moved the…
Boomer Hardings Taylor A.C. team with marked resemblance to Chatham Colored All Stars
Taylor A.C. defeat Dresden Seniors 10-4
Taylor A.C.s defeated Kent Bridge 6-5 by edging them in the ninth inning.
Pain Court Canadians to play Boomer Harding's Taylor A.C.
Chatham Seniors with 6-0 win over Taylor AC, intermediate A CBA championship tied
Vicious game between Chatham Seniors and Taylor A.C. teams, with numerous "portside slants" and other derogatory "hurling" throughout the game by the…
Taylor AC team 1ith 13-8 win over the Chatham Seniors in round robin play for the Intermediate A championship, however game was cut in the eight…
Taylor A.C. team with opening game at Dresden, Boomer Harding managing the relatively new Taylor team.
Boomer Harding pitches in addition to his numerous other roles.
Wallaceburg defeats A.C. team in 9th
Pain Court defeats Taylor A.C. 25-16
Taylor A.C. Team defeats Chatham Jumbos 10-6
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