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Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Irene Moore Davis
Doug Scurr
Colored All Stars to change name to Taylor A.C.s, Taylor organization including other sports such as boxing, wrestling and tennis.
Bryce Shreves
Image of picture of 1939 cup that was not awarded to any team in the league
Brock Greenhalgh
Art Cartier
No Intermediate A champion declared for 1939, determined by OBA suvcinnuttee ub Ganuktib ybder Archie Stirling
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