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baseball, 1934, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Braggs
Box Score
baseball, 1934, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Braggs
baseball, 1934, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Duns
Box Score
baseball, 1934, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Kent Bridge
Box Score
baseball, 1934, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Braggs
Box Score
baseball, 1934, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Duns
Box Score
baseball, 1934, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Braves
Box Score
baseball, 1934, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Braggs
Box Score
baseball, 1934, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Duns
Box Score
Morley Reekie
W.C.B.A; Kent County Baseball League; Intermediate A
Boomer Harding and Taylor A.C. team start their season with an opening game against Dresden
Morley Reekie
W.C.B.A; Kent County Baseball League; Intermediate A
Boomer Harding and Taylor A.C. team start their season with an opening game against Dresden
Jack Calder
OBA League; Sandwich; All Star loss; intermediate A; western counties league
Sandwich defeats Chatham Colored All Stars 5-4, eliminating them from OBAA playoffs
Jack Calder
OBA League; intermediate A; Flat Chase
All Stars defeat Detroit leading into playoffs, Chase adding two runs
Jack Calder
Chatham Coloured All-Stars, OBAA playoffs, Penetang
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
Chatham Coloured All-Stars, OBAA playoffs, Penetang
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
Chatham Coloured All-Stars, OBAA playoffs, Penetang
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
Chatham Coloured All-Stars, OBAA playoffs, Welland-Port Colborne Tribune
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
Chatham City Baseball League, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, OBAA playoffs, Sarnia, Flat Chase
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
Chatham City Baseball League, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, playoffs
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
Chatham City Baseball League, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Braggs, playoffs
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
Chatham City Baseball League, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Braggs, playoffs
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
Chatham City Baseball League, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, playoffs
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
Chatham City Baseball League, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, playoffs
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
Chatham City Baseball League, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Don Tabron
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
m baseball, 1934, Chatham Coloured All-Stars, Jack Calder, Analyzing Sport
Analyzing Sport
Jack Calder
baseball, 1934, Analyzing Sport, Jack Calder Analyzing Sport
Analyzing Sport