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All Stars eliminated from playoffs following Walpole Indians win
Chatham All Stars beat Tilbury 13-6
Chatham All Stars lost Intermediate B Baseball League championship to Tilbury, score of 3-2
Lew Sadlier's Chatham Seniors to play Boomer Harding's Taylor A.C. at Stirling Park
Taylor A.C. move closer towards leading the league following a 6-6 tie with Pain Court Canadians.
Taylor A.C.s with win over Dresden Juniors, 9-8 in their third victory of the season.
Taylor A.C.s move into first place following a win against Kent Bridge
Taylor A.C.s hold onto their first place lead in the Kent County Baseball League, despite the loss of Flat Chase to an arm injury
Taylors defeat Chatham Seniors 15-12
Taylor AC with a 4-3 win over Wallaceburg in W.C.B.A. round robin games for the Intermediate A title
Chatham Taylor A.C.s defeat Wallaceburg Juniors 8-6
Taylor AC team 1ith 13-8 win over the Chatham Seniors in round robin play for the Intermediate A championship, however game was cut in the eight…
Taylor A.C. Team defeats Chatham Jumbos 10-6
Taylor A.C. team with opening game at Dresden, Boomer Harding managing the relatively new Taylor team.
Taylor A.C. team with opening game at Dresden, Boomer Harding managing the relatively new Taylor team.
Taylor A.C. defeat Dresden Seniors 10-4
Chatham Taylor Acs defeated Wallaceburg 16-2, Boomer Harding golding Wallaceburg to only three hits
Chatham defeats Meaford Knights 13-5 in first game of finals
All-Stars lose to Sarnia
Colored All Stars defeated 6-2 by the the Hudson Motors
Chatham against Wallaceburg, one of rival leagues for title
Morley Reekie
Boomer Harding and Taylor A.C. team start their season with an opening game against Dresden
Morley Reekie
Boomer Harding and Taylor A.C. team start their season with an opening game against Dresden
Vicious game between Chatham Seniors and Taylor A.C. teams, with numerous "portside slants" and other derogatory "hurling" throughout the game by the…
Vicious game between Chatham Seniors and Taylor A.C. teams, with numerous "portside slants" and other derogatory "hurling" throughout the game by the…
Chatham All Stars in running for leader of intermediate A group following their 2-1 win over Wallaceburg
Chatham Seniors with 6-0 win over Taylor AC, intermediate A CBA championship tied
Art Cartier
No Intermediate A champion declared for 1939, determined by OBA suvcinnuttee ub Ganuktib ybder Archie Stirling
Pain Court defeats Taylor A.C. 25-16
Chatham All Stars have reached Seminfinals, will face Wallaceberg for league title
Wallaceburg defeats A.C. team in 9th
Tilbury Intermediate beat All Stars 6-3 despite the four doubles and single hit by Terrell
Taylor A.C.s defeated Kent Bridge 6-5 by edging them in the ninth inning.
Colored All Stars defeated Strathroy 4-2 to win the Maple City crown and continue in the OBAA intermediate A playoffs
Boomer Hardings Taylor A.C. team with marked resemblance to Chatham Colored All Stars
All-Stars favorites to win Western Counties Leauge
Jack Calder
Sandwich defeats Chatham Colored All Stars 5-4, eliminating them from OBAA playoffs
Hadleys to play Detroit in exhibition game.
Team picture of 1935 All Stars in Windsor Star
Jack Calder
All Stars defeat Detroit leading into playoffs, Chase adding two runs
Doug Scurr
Colored All Stars to change name to Taylor A.C.s, Taylor organization including other sports such as boxing, wrestling and tennis.
Chatham with win over Wallaceburg
Team List of the 1935 Colored All Stars in Intermediate A OBA league
Taylor A.C.s, the "fast moving colored club" defeated the Chatham Jumbos 3-2, with Boomer adding a double to assist in the win. This win moved the…
Boomer Harding pitches in addition to his numerous other roles.
Pain Court Canadians to play Boomer Harding's Taylor A.C.
Taylor AC team with the win over the Wallaceburg All-Stars 4-0, with Boomer Harding adding two runs
All Stars defeated Stathrot 6-2 in Western County League championship, placing them in the running for the Intermediate A playoffs
Bryce Shreves
Image of picture of 1939 cup that was not awarded to any team in the league
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