Original typescript of Still Young by Raymond Knister.

Until, Still Young

“Put not your trust in women,"

   I heard a wise man say,

Nor hearkened, for I saw him 

   Not wise, but worn and gray.


I laughed - Oh, many a time: 

   The words were not forgot!

I laughed until today

   When laughter helps me not.


“Put not your trust in women,”

   I'll say it too, and nod; 

And laughing boys will spare me 

   Belief, and old pain's rod.


And I shall always say it 

   Till I am old, like him:

Till then I shall content me 

   With woman's every whim.


For though till then I swear

   With oaths of every size,

l'd sooner not believe me, 

   Though then I should be wise.


(After Exile, page 159)