The prisoners occasionally work in the fields, fell trees, attend horse races, go riding, swimming, fishing, play football, rugby or soccer.
Jack feels it is a personal failure that his friends Grant Fleming and Bob Keefer escaped while he is left behind. I know he feels alone and despondent now. One day he’ll write about their escape: the home-made ladder, secret signals, the disguises, the chase by the guards. Since August, more barbed wire has been added to contain them.
The huts are raised to prevent tunnelling. However, now they've asked for a dog. The dog house hides their tunnel entrance. They disperse dirt slowly from their pants in trails around the compound.
The guards are handpicked from the IRA so they “know a thing or two about escaping.”
The Allied prisoners set off fireworks when Monty began his march into North Africa. The German prisoners have been silent lately.
The men long to return to ops. They want to be part of the final push that ends the war. As for me, I want him to be safe.