Caroline Quarlls April 27, 1880 Letter


Transcription Courtesy of Civil War Museum, Kenosha, Wisconsin

(Pg 1)
Caroline Watkins
Sandwich April 27
Dear friend
i received your
letter and was glad to
hear from you and your
family and that you was well
and doing well it leaves me in not
very good health I did mary a
man on Col prices farm by
name of Watkins but he was
considerable elder than i was
and had children by his first wife as
old as i was but she was sold
from her children in slavery and
before she got to the end of her journey
she killed herself
I learned to read
and write in canada/ went to school
the first year after i came here to
askin i was here nearly 3 years
(Pg 2)
Before i was married my husbands
occupation is a cook I get a
pretty good living but by working
pretty hard for it but i am
not very happy - I have heard
from St louis several times since
i came by my cousin who served
her time out and got free and
came here my old mistress is dead
and my master is married
again that is charles r hall
I knew about me having property
left me before i came away
perhaps if i had of stayed until
i became of age i could have
got it and perhaps not there was
not but only 2 of us i had
one sister but she died before i
came away I have forgotten
how long i was going from
alton to milwaukee by stage
Mr pots was the name of the minister
that my master and his wife went to
(Pg 3)
and they were presbyterians


Caroline Quarlls April 27, 1880 Letter


April 27, 1880


Caroline Quarlls
Allen Watkins
Black History

Spatial Coverage

Sandwich Town, Windsor, Ontario, Canada




An scan of the first page of Caroline Quarlls' April 27th letter to Lyman Goodnow


JPEG, 1487 x 2394 pixels


Courtesy of Civil War Museum, Kenosha, Wisconsin


Civil War Museum, Kenosha, Wisconsin

Item sets
