In The Medium Of Motion (Part 4)

In The Medium Of Motion (Part 4)



“Motion is the transfer of one piece of matter, or one body, from the vicinity of the other bodies which are regarded as being at rest, to the vicinity of other bodies.”

– René Descartes (1644)




[Iain Baxter: Visual Sensitivity Information (VSI), Formula No. 8 – sent, via telex, from Simon Fraser University Library to the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Received: 8:30 pm, Oct. 3,1969.]



International Marine Terminal, North Vancouver. View from StanleyPark -- 1 January, 2013, 16:15. [Photo: M. Cynog Evans.]


“International Marine Terminal, North Vancouver. View from StanleyPark – 1 January, 2013, 16:15.” [Photo: M. Cynog Evans.]



“The world does not exist outside of its expressions.”

– Gilles Deleuze (1993)



International Marine Terminal, North Vancouver. View from StanleyPark -- 1 January, 2013, 16:11. [Photo: M. Cynog Evans.]


“International Marine Terminal, North Vancouver. View from StanleyPark – 1 January, 2013, 16:11.” [Photo: M. Cynog Evans.]



“If you want to understand Zen, understand it right away without deliberation, without turning your head this way or that. For while you are doing this, the object you have been seeking for is no longer there. This doctrine of immediate grasping is characteristic of Zen.”

– Daisetz T. Suzuki (1938)
