In The Medium Of Motion (Part 8)


In The Medium Of Motion (Part 8)



“True vision isn’t just seeing seeing. It’s also seeing not seeing. And true understanding isn’t just understanding understanding. It’s also understanding not understanding.”

– Bodhidharma (5th century CE), patriarch of Ch’an and Zen Buddhism



EnglishBay, Vancouver, 21 January 2013 -- 16:02:20. (Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.)

“EnglishBay, Vancouver, 21 January 2013 – 16:02:20.” (Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.)


English Bay, Vancouver, 21 January 2013 -- 16:02:30. (Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.)

“English Bay, Vancouver, 21 January 2013 – 16:02:30.” (Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.)


English Bay, Vancouver, 21 January 2013 -- 16:02:41. (Photo: M. Cynog Evans.)

“EnglishBay, Vancouver, 21 January 2013 – 16:02:41.” (Photo: M. Cynog Evans.)




“One meaning of time is a drift toward inertia.”

– Wylie Sypher (1969)



“That the mental fire doesn’t burn appears to be the first prerequisite of our managing the fire that does burn – of having it burn when, how, and where we wish. … This is just the fundamental question of morals – the interaction of persons and things, or of personal freedom and the stable order.”

– John Dewey (1904)




[Statement sent by Iain Baxter (N.E. THING Company) – via telex – from Simon Fraser University to the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 17 September 1969.

Baxter’s instructions to students of David Askevold’s “Projects Class” (NSCAD) state: “Photodocument … as mirror leaves hand and as mirror hits water.”

Enactment of this proposition (first realized in Halifax and exhibited at NSCAD) prefigures a continuously collaborative aesthetic intendment – across the unified field of an IAIN BAXTER/BAXTER& trajectory]



“Art makes it possible to pass through things and to be a process of going through, not an arrival.”

– Mario Merz (1983)



“I believe that all creative persons working in the field of the Visual Arts in Canada have a great need to get together, not only with each other, but with many persons in ancillary fields, in order to establish a foundation of principles and of attitude, of a specifically Canadian kind. Ours is a new country, at times it would seem almost a primitive country, but surely therein lies some of our great strength, our potential value? (As Wang Wei said: ‘To learn how to paint, one must first cut off both hands.”)

– Wells Coates: excerpt of a letter to Alan Jarvis, Director, National Gallery of Canada (1956)



Block Salt On Tidal Plane -- IAIN BAXTER& / CAUSA Curatorial Project. English Bay, Vancouver -- 17 January, 2013. (Photo: M. Cynog Evans.)

” ‘Block Salt On Tidal Plane’ – IAIN BAXTER& / CAUSA Curatorial Project. EnglishBay, Vancouver – 17 January, 2013.” (Photo: M. Cynog Evans.)
