In The Medium Of Motion (Part 6)


In The Medium Of Motion (Part 6)



“This world is the formless as we perceive it, the unknowable as we know it.”

– Annanda Coomaraswamy (1918)



“Mind is no-mind and it is out of this no-mind that the whole panorama, infinitely rich, of the whole world unrolls itself.”

– Daisetz T. Suzuki (1958)




Block of salt is placed on tidal flat at low tide. If possible, the salt block should be of a colour similar to the colour of the tidal zone soil.

[Iain Baxter / N.E. Thing Co. project – forming part of the exhibition TRANS VSI CONNECTION, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, September 15-October 5, 1969.

Information sent from Simon Fraser University Library to the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, September 17, 1969.]



Salt Block, Vancouver, 2012. [Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.]

“Salt Block, Vancouver, 2012.” [Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.]



We think things persist in time because structures persist and we mistake the structure for substance.”

– Julian Barbour (1999)
