IAIN BAXTER/IAIN BAXTER&: One-Word Transilience


One-Word Transilience



“One may formulate, as follows, a law confirmed by palaeontology and biogeography: human life has arisen and prospered only when the resources it could count on were balanced by the problems it met with. This is true, as much in the spiritual as in the physical.”

– Ortega y Gasset (1930)




[Visual Sensitivity Information – sent via telex from Iain Baxter, Simon Fraser University, to the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, October 3, 1969.]



Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, Vancouver. (Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.)

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, Vancouver. (Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.)

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, Vancouver. (Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.)

“Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, Vancouver.” (Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.)



“I’m a pattern thinker. I see lots of different things all at once and I reflect on them – and I think about the ways they could be social, political or artistic. But spirituality is also a part of my life.”

– IAIN BAXTER& (2011)
