IAIN BAXTER&: In The Medium Of Motion (Part 2)



Medium Of Motion
(Part 2)

David Bellman

January 2, 2013



IAIN BAXTER&: Entrance Signage, North Vancouver Museum, 2012. [Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.]

IAIN BAXTER&: Entrance Signage, North Vancouver Museum, 2012. [Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.]


“A real work of art destroys, in the consciousness of the receiver, the separation between himself and the artist – not that alone, but also between himself and all whose minds receive this work of art. In this freeing of our personality from its separation and isolation, in this uniting of it with others, lies the chief characteristic and the great attractive force of art.”

– Leo Tolstoy (1896)


“Language is not life; it gives life orders. Life does not speak; it listens and waits.”

– Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari (1980)


IAIN BAXTER&: INFORMATION MURAL (detail), North Vancouver Museum, 2012. [Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.]

IAIN BAXTER&: INFORMATION MURAL (detail), North Vancouver Museum, 2012. [Photo: M. Cynog Evans, CAUSA Archives.]


“Life is an offensive, directed against the repetitious mechanism of the world.”

– Alfred North Whitehead (1933)


“We do not keep in showcases the coins current in the world. A living art does not produce curiosities to be collected but necessaries to be diffused.”

– George Santayana (1905)



INFORMATION/LOCATION: NORTH VANCOUVER – the IAIN BAXTER& / CAUSA exhibition (installation) project – formally concluded on December 30, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. Fourteen hours later, in Chiba, Japan (an official “Sister” to the City of North Vancouver), Buddhist temple bells (at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve) tolled one hundred and eight times – so as to ceremonially dispel the “earthly deities” that cause “human suffering.”

Included among the “defilements” addressed by each bell toll were certain key “concepts” that now consistently (aesthetically) emerge from last year’s speculative (unfinished) BAXTER& / CAUSA / North Vancouver Museum project:

arrogance, capriciousness, deception, disrespect, envy, haughtiness,
hostility, inattentiveness, indifference, ignorance, imperiousness,
imposture, intransigence, jealousy, ostentatiousness, pessimism, pretence,
sarcasm, vanity.


1 Comment on “IAIN BAXTER&: In The Medium Of Motion (Part 2)”

  1. Kyle Anderson

    So what’s the A.N.D. signage? I like the colors but what does it stand for?