IAIN BAXTER&: Figure / Ground (II)


Figure / Ground

David Bellman, CAUSA

October 23, 2012


[Falstaff Sans Ultra Bold – typeface selected by Robert R. Reid – forming part of an ongoing IAIN BAXTER& / CAUSA Research Scheme, 2012.]

[Falstaff Sans Ultra Bold – typeface selected by Robert R. Reid – forming part of an ongoing IAIN BAXTER& / CAUSA Research Scheme, 2012.]


“Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern.”

– Alfred North Whitehead (1954)


IAIN BAXTER&, Information Mural [Digital Conversion Code], stencilled paint, dimensions variable, 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans [installation view, North Vancouver Museum].

IAIN BAXTER&, Information Mural [Digital Conversion Code], stencilled paint, dimensions variable, 2012.

Photo: M. Cynog Evans [installation view, North Vancouver Museum].


“The basic changes of our time lead us towards confronting the environment as artefact.”

– Marshall McLuhan (1969)


IAIN BAXTER&, Information Mural [Digital Conversion Code], stencilled paint, dimensions variable, 2012.Photo: M. Cynog Evans [installation view, North Vancouver Museum].

IAIN BAXTER&, Information Mural [Digital Conversion Code], stencilled paint, dimensions variable, 2012.

Photo: M. Cynog Evans [installation view, North Vancouver Museum].


“Dada is the world soul, dada is the pawnshop.”

– Hugo Ball (1916)


IAIN BAXTER&, Idyllic Landscape [stencilled paint on 'charity shop' artefact – purchased by the artist in North Vancouver, 14 June 2012].

IAIN BAXTER&, IdyllicLandscape [stencilled paint on “charity shop” artefact – purchased by the artist in North Vancouver, 14 June 2012].

Photo: M. Cynog Evans [installation view, North Vancouver Museum].


IAIN BAXTER&, AND/DNA, three-colour neon, 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans [installation view, North Vancouver Museum].

IAIN BAXTER&, AND/DNA, three-colour neon, 2012.

Photo: M. Cynog Evans [installation view, North Vancouver Museum].


“There is but one indefinitely certain truth, and that is the truth that pyrrhonistic scepticism itself leaves standing, – the truth that the present phenomenon of consciousness exists.”

– William James (1884)


IAIN BAXTER&, AND/DNA, three-colour neon, 2012. Photo: M. Cynog Evans [installation (side view), North Vancouver Museum].

IAIN BAXTER&, AND/DNA, three-clour neon, 2012.

Photo: M. Cynog Evans [installation (side view), North Vancouver Museum].


“I see my work very much in the spirit of Dada.”

– IAIN BAXTER& (2011)


IAIN BAXTER&, &, documentary photograph (displayed in lightbox), 2011. Photo: M. Cynog Evans [North Vancouver Museum exhibition component, IAIN BAXTER&: Information/Location, North Vancouver, 2012].

IAIN BAXTER&, &, documentary photograph (displayed in lightbox), 2011.

Photo: M. Cynog Evans [North Vancouver Museum exhibition component, IAIN

BAXTER&: Information/Location, North Vancouver, 2012].


“Teaching is not difficult, listening is not difficult either, but what is truly difficult is to become conscious of what you have in yourself and be able to use it as your own. This self-realization is known as ‘seeing into one’s own being,’ which is satori. Satori is an awakening from a dream. Awakening and self-realization and seeing into one’s own being – these are synonymous.”

– (Unknown) Zen Master, Ittōryū school (seventeenth century)


IAIN BAXTER&, Until the & of Time, chalk on chalkboard, 2012. [Collection of the North Vancouver Museum – gift of IAIN BAXTER&.] Photo: M. Cynog Evans [installation view, North Vancouver Museum].

IAIN BAXTER&, Until the & of Time, chalk on chalkboard, 2012. [Collection of the North Vancouver Museum – gift of IAIN BAXTER&.]

Photo: M. Cynog Evans [installation view, North Vancouver Museum].


“Articulation, which is constitutive of a stratum, is always a double articulation (double pincer). What is articulated is a content and an expression. Whereas form and substance are not really distinct, content and expression are.”

– Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (1987)