Beatrice Straight
Beatrice Straight with two unidentified men
Beatrice Straight
Beatrice Straight
Beatrice Straight
Beatrice Straight
Group photo
Standing: Katherine Ann Faulder, Michael Chekhov, Erika Kapralik Chambliss, Woodrow Chambliss, John Flynn, Ronald Bennett, Barbara Joyce, Hurd Hatfield [partially blocked], Alan Harkness, [obscured], Alice Crowther, Daphne Moore, Sam Schatz, Joel Wood [Joseph?]. Group kneeling at right: Ford Rainey, Mary Lou Taylor, [unidentified], Margaret Draper. At center: Lucy Singer [seated under Chekhov], Andrei Singer [falling backwards], Beatrice Straight [kneeling]. -
Group photo
Back row (left to right): Robert Woods, Beatrice Straight, Hurd Hatfield, Daphne Moore, Ronald Bennett, Katherine Ann Faulder, Mary Lou Taylor, Tom Hughes, John Flynn, Xenia Chekhov, Blair Cutting. Middle row: Woodrow Chambliss, Erika Kapralik Chambliss, James Legendre, Barbara Joyce, Eleana Barrie, Carl Jacobs, Joseph Wood, Michael Chekhov, Eugene Somoff, George Shdanoff. Front row (left to right): Sam Schatz, Alice Crowther, Alan Harkness, Ford Rainey, [unidentified], Margaret Draper, Deyna Krugliak. -
Group with Xenia Chekhov's dogs
Iris Tree, Robert Woods, Margaret Draper, Mary Lou Taylor, Hurd Hatfield, Eleana Barrie, and Beatrice Straight. -
Alice Crowther, Hurd Hatfield and Beatrice Straight
Beatrice Straight being fitted for costume
Michael Chekhov, Ludmila Chirikov, and Beatrice Straight. -
Beatrice Straight being fitted for costume
Beatrice Straight, Lucy Singer, Ludmila Chirikov, and Michael Chekhov. -
Beatrice Straight being fitted for costume
Michael Chekhov, Lucy Singer, Ludmila Chirikov, and Beatrice Straight. -
Beatrice Straight being fitted for costume
Michael Chekhov, Ludmila Chirikov, Lucy Singer, and Beatrice Straight. -
The Pencil: Memories of Dartington Hall and the English Origin of the Michael Chekhov Acting Method
August 26, 1940 (afternoon)
June 8, 1940: Meeting with all students
November 17, 1939: Meeting with members of the group
November 1, 1939
October 5, 1939: Graduation of six students -- Recipients of actor's diplomas and teacher's certificates
September 6, 1939
September 5, 1939
July 11, 1939
July, 1939
March 16, 1939
February 28, 1939
January 16, 1939: The opening of the Chekhov Theatre Studio in Ridgefield, Connecticut
October 3, 1938
July 20, 1938
July 11, 1938
June 24, 1938
May 2, 1938 (morning)
February 25, 1938 (afternoon)
February 4, 1938
January 31, 1938 (afternoon)
January 16, 1938 (afternoon)
October 29, 1937
October 25, 1937
September 27, 1937
June 29, 1937 (afternoon)
March 25, 1937
March 4, 1937: The fishing scene: Director's plan submitted for approval by Deirdre Hurst
January 16, 1937
December 16, 1936: Evening lesson with Michael Chekhov, Alan, and Beatrice Straight for work on exercises to be given next term
December 10, 1936: Exploring our world of the theatre: The appointment of Beatrice Straight and Alan Harkness to the staff
November 16, 1936
June 2, 1936: Lessons to teachers: Lesson XVI
Letter to Deirdre Hurst du Prey, notes attached
March 22, 1935: Three lessons given to Beatrice Straight and Deirdre Hurst: Third lesson
March 18, 1935: Three lessons given to Beatrice Straight and Deirdre Hurst: Second lesson
March 16, 1935: Three lessons given to Beatrice Straight and Deirdre Hurst: First Lesson